Yogo: The Best Yoga Mat For The Most Adventurous Traveler

It's always great when you can bring your mat with you wherever you go, like your very own flying carpet. It's a whole new world! ;) I've always wanted to find a portable mat, perfect for hotel stays, camping trips, pit stops, and walks in the park! I knew I found something great when I discovered YOGO.

If you want something light and perfect for when you've got places to go, then YOGO is the best option! I first learned about this company when I began searching for a mat that folds neatly without causing too much commotion in the airport or in the plane. The mat that I used for class was very bulky and I didn't have a strap to carry it neatly. But then I came across a brand like no other yoga mat company I've ever seen. It's simple design and community outreach is what attracted me the most. I believe that as a Yogi, one must become more and more environmentally responsible for the products we use. I wanted something that would be helpful to me and to others as well. I had the opportunity to test this product and I was amazed!

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Check out this ultra comfy Active Cross-Back Jumpsuit by Forever 21!


YOGO ULTRA 2.0 is made from " biodegradable tree rubber" so it's very good for grip and also offers a carrying strap for people on-the-go. It's 68 inches long and remains sanitary much longer than a regular mat since you can fold it rather than roll it. Rolling a mat means the bottom will touch the top, and in Bikram, we put our faces on the mat all the time! This feature is great for a germ-free yoga sesh.

What's even better, is for every mat sold, YOGO plants one tree and provides agricultural training and farming supplies for a family in Central America or Africa. It's called Food Trees For Poverty which works to help heal the environment, reduce deforestation, and decrease poverty. Partner NGOs such as Trees for the Future and Sustainable Harvest International "work for five years with each family to provide sustainable agriculture and other training so that each family can independently and permanently feed and provide income for themselves." I believe that consumers can help make a difference!

These mats are clean, compact, and eco-friendly! The YOGO Ultra 2.0 can now be pre-ordered and is available January 2017. Please follow @yogoanywhere and don't forget to add a tree at check out!

Thank you Danny for the amazing photos.

“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.”

— Ghandi


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