Part Ii: Beyoncé 🐝 Ivy Park Athleticwear X Toe Stand Pose

“Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it. ”

I'm back for Part II and I want to show you how to do Toe Stand Pose! For those who followed my post last week, you already know I'm reppin Beyonce's IVY PARK activewear. I'd have to say my favorite part about this line is that it's very supportive. The "I" Low-Rise 7/8 Leggings are perfect for difficult poses. It's got and inbuilt brief with extra opacity so you don't have any see-through mishaps! The logo is also reflective so if you're a night jogger, these are perfect.

"I" Low-Rise 7/8 Leggings Product Details

The top is really comfortable as well! I love the mesh back because it doesn't block sweat but it dries quickly when I'm in a hot yoga class. You could literally wear this under a jean jacket or bomber or use it for a good workout. I love the versatility of IVY PARK. It's durable, strong, and won't fall apart in the wash. Shop the Spring 2017 collection here!

V-Back Mesh Insert Bra by Ivy Park Product Details

V-Back Mesh Insert Bra by Ivy Park Product Details



  1. To get you to Toe Stand Pose, or Seated Tree Pose, you'll first want to start off in Standing Tree Pose and find your center of balance in all four points of your standing leg. You can refer to my post on how to get to Standing Tree Pose.

  2. As you hinge forward, keep your back straight, place all 10 fingers onto the ground. Find a drishti ( दृष्टि) or focused gaze, about four feet in front of you on the ground.

  3. Lower your hips and bend the knees.

  4. Breath deeply and lift your chest up. Slowly raise your hand off the ground and bring your fingers to Gyan Mudra, where you bring your thumb and forefinger together.

  5. Your bottom is resting on your standing foot, but if possible, lift at least an inch up off the foot. You are now in your Toe Stand Pose. Straighten your spine. Then meditate!

  6.  To come out of it, come out the opposite way. Just place your hands on the ground, lift your hips and straighten your legs. Gently release the knee from Standing Tree Pose.


  • Increases patience, balance, and breathing.

  • Strengthens your foot and leg muscles.

  • Opens the hip joints.



Check out the newfound love for Toronto's very own, Daniel Caeser. Shout out to my Canadian fam, Doug and James. Miss and love you guys.


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