Build Body Awareness in 30 Minutes | Lower Back and Core Focus

Happy Thanksgiving to all my yogis and friends! I’ve been working away on various projects and I’m back to give you a good series that I felt was important when practicing yoga. Today we’re focusing on conscious effort and alignment. Body awareness is a major component of practicing yoga because it not only helps you adjust the pose properly, but it strengthens the connection and trust between the mind and body. “Body awareness is the internal understanding of where the body is in space.” This is also known as propioception. As you continue to practice with me, you will become more aware of muscle groups and how to work them properly. It’s about noticing, observing, and listening without judgement, without force.

Yoga has been such a blessing to me and because of it, I’m more aware of physics within the human body. It has helped me improve my workouts and calisthenics and I’ve observed myself becoming more intuitive. It’s about making those small, tiny adjustments that truly take your practice to another level. The best way that I can describe body awareness would be to think of yourself as a puppet with strings attached. These strings can help you course correct, adjust, or release on your commad. When you “stand tall” for instance, imagine that string pulling you up through your spine to the top of your head. It’s a much more descriptive cue than just “standing tall”. Am I right?

This Body Awareness Series will specifically target lower back and core muscle groups. Most of you already know HOW to do these poses so each description will take you a little deeper, challenging you a little more and more! In yoga, we “chase the edge” and that basically means we teeter on that line of discomfort, we walk towards it steadily. Calmly.

Enjoy this post! I wish you all an amazing Thanksgiving! For all of my Dallas area yogis, we’ve got just three classes left for the Satisfy My Soul series so click hereto sign up and check for the next class launch this December!




Focus on tightening the belly and creating straight lines from head to heel. Practice 10 deep breaths in plank and then release. Repeat 5 times total.

Warrior Part 1: Hands to Heart

Here you’ll want to focus on tightening the core. also lift up out of the waist and engage your glutes for greater balance. keep the chest strong and lifted and slowly bring your hands to heart."

Warrior Part 2

Again with warrior the key is to maintain balance and core strength. keep the hips aligned. in order to do this, the hip of the bent knee will draw back while the other hip pushes forward. it’s that tiny hip adjustment that makes all the difference. engage the core and back by reaching up to the sky and focus on an imaginary string lifting your chest.

Mighty Warrior Part 3

From part 2, find yourself in part 3 for mighty warrior. this pose will open your hips like crazy. you’ll want to feel for the intensity, feel the discomfort, walk towards it, never run. walk steadily into this uncomfortable zone. then lean forward with your chest straight. remember to breath here.

Runner’s Back Lunge Pose Part 1

In this pose, keep the bent knee steady and remember to use your hands as to balance your upper body. Keeping your chest lifted, actually relax your core this time. Feel what it feels like to relax. Rest here.

Runner’s Back Lunge Part 2

Now we will bring the chest down for added lower back stretch. Try to keep the spine straight and focus on getting your forehead towards your knee. Relax your chest and do your 5 deep breaths in and out. What feels the most uncomfortable? Notice it, sit with it.

Seated Spine Twist

The magic in this pose comes from the slow spinal rotation produced by the muscle groups of your arms. We want to strengthen our backs and lower extremities so use those hands for grip creating more length in the spine. Here, you’ll see my left hand grab right knee, the right hand wraps behind my back to grab right toe. To modify, just sit cross leg style. Relax the belly and breathe!

Sage Pose

Sage is a fun and relaxing pose that I love to do as a back strengthener. It stretches your hamstrings most certainly but I do it to create awareness in my upper back, scapula and trapezius. After wrapping your arms and linking your hands, lift the chest. Keep the neck open, chin up. Feeeeel your back elongate upward to the top of your head! (See below as well.)

Tiger Pose

This pose appeared previously in my more spine, more life post but I’m bringing it back! It’s great for opening the core while flexing the lumbar region. To build awareness, find stabilization through your grounded hand and knee, kick upward simultaneously. Practice relaxing the belly as you strive to lift your floating foot higher. Don’t be afraid to go just a liiiiiitle deeper.

Child’s Pose

Who doesn’t love a good child’s pose? In this final position, lengthen the back and imagine your breath moving in and out through your spine. Your arms should be locked above your ears. Allow your body to rest and give gratitude to yourself for completing the series. Body awareness will grow even more as you continue to make these small, but might adjustments!


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