Hang Loose: Hip Openers | 10 Minute Flow for Pelvic Wellness

Since the start of covid, I've learned to use the summer solstice season to my advantage!

This Texas heat can be miserable but the golden hour has become my favorite time of day when I'm trying to get a good flow in before dinner.

I highly recommend a warm, natural environment for this yoga sequence because keeping the body heated will not only help build flexibility, but will become a container for exploration and expressive movement.

About a year ago, I took my dear friend Jade's Womb Awakening workshop and learned the importance of womb healing and how to release trauma in the body. Since then, practicing hip openers has become an essential part of my pelvic health and womb wellness. When I turned 27 a few years ago, I made a conscious decision to start working on my pelvic health as a way heal and prepare my body for its next stages (more on this another day)!

In the meantime, I use yoga as a tool to help train my body somatically and psychosomatically. You can bring all kinds of positive experiences and emotions into your life just by setting an intention and focusing on that particular desire as you move through a yoga sequence.

One thing I want others to know is that this practice is not gender-specific either. For individuals that identify as women, we know this region as the womb and for individuals that identify as male, it's call the hara. Nevertheless, we all carry afflictions, tension, stress, and anxieties in this area. To help alleviate and heal internally, we can engage in yoga poses that target the womb / hara holistically.

So get outside and practice this 10 Minute Hip Opener on a sunset! Here are the four major asanas / poses of this sequence:

🐪 Camel Pose | Stretches the hip flexors and abdominal region, releases tension in the spine, back and chest as well as toxic emotional energy

🏹 Revolved Warrior | Improves balance and core strength, improves digestion and metabolism, stimulates pelvic organs

🌙 Crescent Low Lunge | Stretches hip flexors and quads, builds up energy in the body and creates greater body awareness, releases hip and lower back tension

🕊 Pigeon Pose | Great not only for a deep glutei stretch but for the groin and poses, helps improve posture and alignment 

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